ESIF - NREL - Golden, CO
The Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory Energy Systems Integration Facility (“ESIF”) will be the nation’s only facility that can conduct integrated megawatt-scale testing of all components and strategies critical to deploying renewable energy and other energy-efficiency technologies into the nation’s electrical grid at a utility scale. The ESIF will provide the research, engineering, design, testing and analysis of components and systems to enable economic, reliable integration of renewable electricity generation, fuel production, storage, and building efficiency technologies with the US fuels and electricity delivery infrastructures. The ESIF will also include a state-of-the-art high performance computer data center and will support improved and expanded capabilities in modeling and simulation of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies. The ESIF will provide laboratory and research capabilities for a broad range of renewable energy generation capabilities.
Owner: Department of Energy
Contractor: JE Dunn Construction
Project Facts: Belair Excavating has been contracted to complete the earthwork and utilities on this Federal Energy project. This project has numerous safety and security items that were out of the ordinary. Only very highly qualified subcontracted were invited due to the project requirements.
45,000 CY of export to an NREL site
10,000 CY of high back around building envelope
Completely new water, sanitary, and storm mains grading
12 acres of fine grading
Excavation and Backfill
New Utility Installation
Removing Dirt