Riley Pass Ponds 2 & 3 - Ludlow, SD
Powered by the cold war era and the United States race for nuclear weapons, the land in the area of Riley Pass was exploited for its Uranium. Now the Forest Service is proceeding with reclamations and reducing the potential for Uranium waste and other contaminants like Arsenic from impacting the environment. Furthermore, by installing two dams, sediment ponds were constructed to capture the run off from the Uranium mines. Belair Sitework Services constructed two dams, each about 125’ long and 20’ high, which created two sedimentation ponds. Belair also developed and maintained an erosion control plan due to contaminant concerns at the site. Dust had to be kept under control, as well as runoff to downstream water bodies.
Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Contractor: United States Forest Service
Project Facts:
Excavated over 5,000 CY to shape and build dams and ponds.
Access roads needed to be constructed to get equipment to the site.
Remote wilderness area with very limited support or accommodations.
Borrow area for material was 13 miles from site, off of a minimally maintained road.
Aside from the environmental contamination issues, the dam construction area was populated with rattle snakes.
High Water Diversion
Construction of Pond 2
Finishing Grading of Dam